यदि आपने पहले से MPTAAS scholarship भर दी है और रजिस्ट्रेशन प्रक्रिया पूरी कर ली है, तो अगला कदम है MPTAAS Scholarship Status check करना। आवेदन की स्थिति को नियमित रूप से जांचना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है ताकि आवेदन को track किया जा सके। और ऐसे बहुत सारे छात्र हैं जो आवेदन की स्थिति सही से जांचने में समस्या का सामना करते हैं और उन्हें “Status Box” में लिखे गए कुछ शब्दों के बारे में जानकारी नहीं होती।
लेकिन आप चिंता मत करें, इस लेख के माध्यम से मैं आवेदन की स्थिति जांचने से संबंधित हर समस्या को solve करने की कोशिश करुँगा, जैसे MPTAAS Scholarship Status Check की step-by-step प्रक्रिया, विभिन्न application/payment status के अर्थ, आवेदन प्रक्रिया की स्थिति जांचना, NPCI status, और यह सुनिश्चित करना कि क्या कोई पूर्व चरण उठाने की आवश्यकता है।
You can easily check the status at the official website https://www.tribal.mp.gov.in/MPTAAS. You can use the system generated user ID and password to login and perform the further task.

What is MPTAAS scholarship?
मध्य प्रदेश सरकार ने 11वीं/12वीं, स्नातक, और Ph.D. तक के सभी SC/ST/OBC समुदाय के छात्रों के लिए एक Educational scholarship शुरू की है। छात्र Madhya Pradesh Tribal Affairs Automation System (MPTAAS) पोर्टल पर ऑनलाइन आवेदन फॉर्म भर सकते हैं।
Through this scholarship, students will receive a one-time scholarship amount ranging from ₹230 to ₹1500 per year, depending on the level of their courses. This financial assistance is provided to students belonging to economically backward sections to help them so they can manage their tuition fees, purchase books or other educational materials, or pay examination fees.
The MPTAAS Scholarship amount will be directly transferred to the bank account through NPCI (National Payments Corporation of India), which plays a crucial role in the DBT or Direct Benefit Transfer system. If your bank account is not connected through the NCPI then you would not receive any money. So before filling the online application form connect your account through the NCPI.
Overview of the MPTAAS Scholarship Portal
Name of the Scholarship | MPTAAS Scholarship |
Initiative by | Madhya Pradesh Government |
Department Name | Tribal Affairs and Scheduled Caste Welfare Department |
Motive | Financial assistance |
Beneficiary | SC, ST students of Madhya Pradesh |
Session to Apply | 2023-24 |
Rewards Amount | Scholarships amount 230/- to 1,500/- |
Application Mode | Online |
Apply portal | https://www.tribal.mp.gov.in/ |
Mode of Payment | Direct Bank Trasfer (DBT) |
Helpdesk Number | 18002333951 |
Helpdesk Mail | tribal@mp.gov.in |
MPTAAS Scholarship Status Check 2024
We made the application process easy for applicants. They can follow the steps below and are able to check the application number, application date, type of application, Payment status, Bank name, NPCI status, and even scholarship verification’s present status through this checking process.
After completing the New Beneficiary registration process for the scholarship on this MPTAAS Scholarship Portal, students receive an User ID at the end of the registration. These User ID and password is necessary while the login process.
Step-by-Step Guide
First, you have to visit the official website https://www.tribal.mp.gov.in/MPTAAS. Here you will find the login page.
Login step
Now applicant has to log in with the log credentials and type the captcha correctly and click on submit button.

- Your application dashboard will open where you will find Profile details, PMS status, etc.
- Click on “PMS” option on the left sidebar.

Application status
- To check your application status click on “Application Status” under PMS.
- Your application status will open in front of you.
- Here you will find various options in the dashboard like “Status”, “Payment Status”, NCPI status”, etc.
- You can check each status from this dashboard only.
Lets understand the meaning of each status one by one:
Application status meaning
There are various kinds of Mptaas application status observed by students, Here is the meaning:
Application Status | Meaning |
Approved | Your application has been approved |
Pending For Verification | Nodal officer has not approved your application yet (*Please contact your Nodal office) |
Rejected | Application is rejected or application is invalid |
payment status meaning
Students also see verious payment status on their dashboard. Here is the meaning:
Payment Status | Meaning |
Paid | Payment is already transferred to your bank account |
Sanctioned | Sanctioned and ready for disburstment |
Pending for Sanctioned | When the fund is approve, student will receive the scholarship |
N/A | Documents are not verified by the institute may be possible (*Please contact your institute) |
How to check mptaas scholarship payment status?
You can check the payment status for MPTAAS scholarship using the following steps:
- First, visit the official website of MPTAAS scholarship portal.
- Then login using your Application ID and password.
- Select the PMS option.
- Select the “Application Status” at the left side bar.
- Your payment status will be displayed on screen.
Important links
Check MPTAAS Status | Check Here |
MPTAAS Profile registration | Register Here |
What is the last date for MPTAAS 2024?
The last date of online application for Mptaas scholarship is 31st March 2024.
Where will I get the Login User ID and password?
You will get the System generated user ID after completing your Beneficiary account registration. Similarly, the password you need to use that you had created at the time of registration.
Where can I check the MPTAAS application status?
You can check the application status at the official website https://www.tribal.mp.gov.in/MPTAAS